Athlete Bio#
Birthday: 10/04/1994
Residence: Bronx, NY
Weight Class: 141 lbs
Height: 5’9”
Coach’s name: Lupin Guzman
Club name: Mendez Boxing Gym
When did you start boxing and why: I started in January of 2014 just to have something to do with my time and get back into shape.
Amateur record: 13-4
Occupation (if any outside of boxing): Freelance Videographer and Video Editor
Career highlights to this point: 2015 NY Daily News Golden Gloves silver medalist, 2015 New York Metro Champion, 2016 New York Daily News Golden Gloves Champion, 2016 National Women’s Golden Gloves silver medalist and 2016 USA Nationals Champion
What do you think is your greatest asset in the ring: My height and reach.
If you weren’t boxing, what would you be doing? Making videos and probably working a basic job and/or going to school full-time.
Who has been your biggest inspiration and why: My dad, because he’s always been there for me no matter what I’ve decided to do.
What motivates you the most: Being able to motivate and inspire others through my journey.
What are five things most people don’t know about you: I’m a blackbelt in Tae-Kwon-Do, I started martial arts at the age of four, I have a YouTube Channel, I used to skateboard all day/every day and I don’t like public speaking but always find myself publicly speaking!
National Titles Won: 2016 USA Nationals Champion