With the use of the American development model, USA Boxing helps coaches further their knowledge to invest in their athletes. With three different certification levels currently available to membership, coaches can invest in their education and gain access to an immense world of boxing knowledge.
Coaching Membership Requirements#
To become a USA Boxing certified coach, you must first register with USA Boxing under a non-athlete membership. This membership requires the following:
USABoxingeducation.org is an educational platform that serves as a one stop shop for all coaching education needs. If you are looking to learn more about proper techniques, diet & nutrition, strength and conditioning, or simply being a better coach overall, there are a variety of videos and resources made available to members free of charge on the platform. USA Boxing’s education platform can be accessed online at usaboxingeducation.org or by downloading the USA Boxing Education app on your smartphone. Members login to the platform using the same username and password that is used to login to their membership account in WebPoint.
Certification Levels#
Below are the four different certification levels.
Host a Coaching Clinic#
Interested in hosting a bronze or silver clinic for coaches in your area? USA Boxing allows local boxing gyms around the country to host bronze and silver clinics for our current certified coaches. USA Boxing will provide the instructor and the bulk of the advertising for the clinic. You only need a facility that can hold a minimum of 16 attendees with seating space for the “classroom” portion of the clinic, and open space to hold the practical portion. The facility must be free of distractions during the course, which means boxing or training cannot be held in the same space as the clinic. Still Interested? Please view the corresponding PDF for further instructions to submit a request to host a clinic in your LBC. If you have any questions, please reach out to Kammara Penick at kpenick@usaboxing.org