Athlete Bio#
Birthday: 08/30/82
Currently reside: Houston, Texas
Hometown: Brooklyn, NY
Weight class: 178+ lbs
Height: 6’0”
Coach’s name: James Johnson
Club name: O Athletik
When did you start boxing and why: I began once professional basketball came to an end, and I love boxing.
Amateur record: 5-1
Occupation (if any outside of boxing): Personal Training
What do you think is your greatest asset in the ring: Power
If you weren’t boxing, what would you be doing? Probably GTA
Who has been your biggest inspiration and why: My mother.
What motivates you the most: Progress and personal growth.
What are four things that most people don’t know about you: 1. Plays bass. 2. Love Rock Band. 3. I am funny. 4. I can dance.
National titles won: New York City Golden Gloves, Houston Open National Regional, 2016 USA Boxing Elite National Championships.
2018 World Championships bronze medalists
2019 World Championships gold medalists