I have been the LBC president for the last 8 years and was the senior coordinator for 4 years before that. I have been coaching for nearly 30 years at my gym Twin Ports Boxing
I have been actively involved in MN LBC #30 for over twenty years. I believe the position of President should be filled by someone who is actively involved in all aspects of amateur boxing. Having held nearly all of the different board positions at one point, I feel like I have the insight to be able to lead our LBC with the experience and knowledge necessary for this position. I also work with the national office to help other LBC's remain in compliance, and have volunteered at the national office multiple times. I have worked directly with nearly all of you and I believe in being firm but fair. Together we can continue the growth and commitment to excellence that LBC #30 embodies.
Vice President#
I’ve been involved with amateur boxing for almost 20 years. I’m a USA Boxing Silver Level Coach, a USA Boxing Level 2 Official with OIC Certification, I’m A member of the Uppermidwest Golden Gloves Executive Board (Treasurer) and the Uppermidwest Golden Gloves Region IV Director and the head coach of the Central Minnesota Boxing Club in Wadena, Minnesota.
I have 2-3 shows a year and am experienced with working with many different members of the boxing community. I work well with others, and enjoy sharing my knowledge and experience with others.
I am currently one of the coaches for Golden Lakes Boxing in Brainerd, MN. I started boxing as a child in 1992, I have been volunteering as a coach for about 5 years and my most recent boxing match was a masters match in May of 2023. I am an athlete representative on the Upper Midwest Golden Gloves board with a little over a year's experience volunteering on that board. I hold an Associate of Arts degree in law enforcement and have been working for the Crow Wing County Jail for nearly 17 years. I am now currently the Lt. of Jail Operations, an upper management position, and have held leadership positions in my organization for nearly 15 of those 17 years. I am passionate about boxing, improving my leadership skills, leading by example and physical and mental wellness. If selected, I will lead with passion, integrity and transparency while serving on the board with the intention of leaving the board in a stronger, more stable position, that is better positioned to serve the athletes, coaches and volunteers that make up our organization in the future.
My name is Morgan McDonald. I have my bachelors in therapeutic recreation. Where I graduated from Southern Illinois University in Carbondale, Il. I am the founder and head coach for Lucy Laney Boxing Academy in Minneapolis, MN. I have been a member of our LBC for 7 plus years. I am a Bronze Level certified USA Boxing coach. My club, LLBA, was established as a non-profit organization in 2019 with the intent to have a safe place for students at my school to develop as student athletes and leaders. Our club has afforded many scholars the opportunity to learn how to regulate their emotions and develop healthy habits and discipline with diet and exercise. With USA Boxing, our athletes have also been able to experience new things and compete with boxers across our nation. Experience is everything and I’m grateful for all the opportunities of growth and development that USA Boxing has provided for our athletes. I am the Dean of Students at Lucy Craft Laney Community School and have 11 years of experience in leadership, coaching, education and student development. Athletes on my team have managed to accomplish winning 34 National titles in a span of 5 years.
I am a big supporter of our LBC. I make every effort to support as many of our clubs as possible by visiting gyms for sparring, drilling, and conditioning. I have collaborated with several coaches and clubs in our LBC to help put MN on the map, by attending national tournaments holding myself and team with high standards and knowing being ambassador, at the same time. Making sure everyone know who LBC30 is. Another way I provide support for our LBC is by volunteering my time to officiate. I am a Level 2 official, who has worked the role of referee, judge, timekeeper, glove table, weigh master, and clerk. I am a certified OIC (Official in Charge), and have done my best to acquire as much knowledge about the sport of boxing as possible.
I am declaring interest in being our LBC Vice President. I recognize this position will work hand in hand with our elected President. With my collaboration skills, I can guarantee that I will be available to fulfill the duties and responsibilities of President if ever needed, and I will work with our LBC Board of Directors to ensure we continue to grow our LBC through the recruitment of officials, as we’ll continue to help navigate everyone with the knowledge of the benefits of what boxing can help with which would introduce the therapeutic aspect of the sport we love. More members, which mean we that we can host more shows in more areas of our LBC. I appreciate and value all voices and consideration and will represent our LBC well.
Winner by Acclamation (Ran unopposed)
No personal statement given.
Chief of Officials#
I have been a very involved official for the last 7 years. I am currently the Chief of Officials of MN LBC #30 I am a Level 3 Official. I have my OIC certificate. I am a certified Clinician and have held many clinics. I even travel out of state to do clinics for other LBCs. I also travel to help out our gyms and do mini clinics for coaches and boxers. I have traveled to many USA Boxing National tournaments, Golden Gloves tournaments (at which I have been ring captain) and Silver Gloves tournaments. I take the roll of COO very seriously and want only the best efficient officials sitting ring side to give our boxers the best decisions they deserve.
Greeting LBC 30 Officals I will be running for our LBC’s Chief Of Officials for this coming election.
I have been involved in amateur boxing for the past 27 years as a boxer, Coach and official. I have been an official the last 11 years.
I’ve worked with thousands of registered USA Boxing youth and adults through my gym, Lorenzi’s Boxing (2007-2019)and now Bemidji Boxing Club (2020 to present) as well as through other teams sanctioned events and events I’ve hosted.
I know the sport, I know the rules and I know the boxers, coaches and officials! I have worked with nearly every coach and Offical in our state through club events, tournaments and clinics.
I am all about the boxers and coaches, but I know to further grow our LBC we need to support our officials!
If I am appointed the role of Chief of Officials, I will support our officials by hosting offical clinics, going to events to work side by side with the officials. I WILL not make the officials feel inferior or talk down to our volunteer personnel either in person or through email.
I feel that communication, listening, and treating people with respect is how we build a stronger officials base in our state!
Thank you for your consideration!
Joe Lorenzi
Bemidji boxing club
Athlete Representative #
Winner by acclamation. (Ran unopposed) 2 positions to be filled by the LBC BOD in Jan. 2024 due to no eligible candidate applications.
I’ve been boxing for over 10 years with close to 70 bouts and attended many local, regional and national tournaments.
I have my officals pathway certification and am also the youngest Bronze level coach in USA Boxing History and help coach at our local gym.
I enjoy working in all areas of the sport and have strong leadership skills.