Winner by Acclamation (Ran unopposed)
I am humbly asking for your vote to continue the progress of our lbc. I have been involved in Amateur boxing since 1978. First as a boxer, later as coach, official and most recently as an administrator. Our LBC has grown and steadily improved during the last 5 years. We were one of the leaders in "back to boxing" during the Covid-19 pandemic. I believe the strength of our organization is getting everyone to pull together for the common goal of improving Amateur Olympic style boxing for our Athletes.
Like so many of our youth, Amateur Boxing was a activity that literally saved me as a teen. The Sport helped me find direction in life and gave me the discipline to graduate from college and become a productive citizen. I have seen first hand how OUR SPORT has given under privileged youth a chance hope and success. I possess a thorough knowledge of the history of boxing in our state, I know what has and hasn't worked. Boxing is a big part of my life, and I would like to continue the opportunity to make our lbc one of the best in the nation by giving back to a sport that has given me so much.
Vice President#
I been in boxing for a long time and I just love working with all of the Athletes and coaches and I just love helping my lbc 23 out i will help everyone if they need any advice I am here for my lbc and everyone
I am interested in serving on the board of our LBC because the area in Arkansas that I live in (Northwest Arkansas) is underrepresented. There has been a spike in growth in the area, but we don't seem to get as much support. I believe we need a positive change & a fresh perspective for the future of our sport. I have been around boxing my whole life one way or another, but four years ago I decided to open our gym in Springdale, Arkansas. It is growing at a fast pace & we are wanting to offer & grow the sport to our area. We have various programs, one with our county's juvenile detention center. I feel like it can be all around beneficial. I have worked in different project management positions as far as work goes, and since we have opened our gym, we have hosted a few boxing shows, a few professional & some amateur, and they went pretty well it definitely has helped the mission of attracted youth to the sport & keeping them occupied with something positive. I also have my bachelor's degree from the University of Arkansas in Innovation & Entrepreneurship with a minor in Management. Overall, I believe my leadership experience can be of value to our LBC. Thank you for the opportunity.
Winner by acclamation. (Ran unopposed)
I am a long time member and like to see are lbc run right
Winner by Acclamation (Ran unopposed)
To continue helping boxing in the state of Arkansas.
I'm commited to boxing.
Chief of Officials#
Winner by Acclamation (Ran unopposed)
I would like to serve as the lbc board because i love the sport of boxing that i have been involved in since 1973. I have owned and operated my gym in Arkansas for 7 yrs. I feel I communicate well with the coaches, officials and especially the athletes within our lbc as well as other lbc.
Athlete Representative #
Winners by Acclamation (Ran unopposed)
I would like to help my fellow boxers by being their voice in the sport that I love and am passionate about.
I have volunteered my time to boxing, my local 4-H Group and assisting the elderly at Mena Senior Center.
High-School graduate.
Boxing is my life, I coach, fight and train day in and out! I can bring that passion to our local LBC.
I've been boxing for 4 years now and have been to more shows than I can remember I've worked the gloving table when I didn't get a fight and help to work the corner for a few athletes. I have been taking part in sports since I was 5 and have been around athletes and trainers for many years and can provide a good point of view for newer athletes.
A very hard worker and I really love my LBC 23 and that's why I am running for this position and I truly love helping my lbc and care for all of the Athletics and I been doing boxing for a while